Internship 2020-2021

Publié le 1 octobre 2023 , modifié le 1 décembre 2023
Andreani Gaiamarco.tarzia@gmail.comRFIM correlated disorderavalanche distribution Study of the avalanche distribution in the random field Ising model with correlated disorder
Baroni Matildemarco.tarzia@gmail.comAnderson localization, Ginzburg criterion, cluster expansionExpansion around the Bethe lattice solution of the Anderson localization transition
Beauvillain Mathieuvitor.cardoso@ist.utl.ptSpherical boson stars, Tidal Love numbers, rotating Boson starsBoson Star, from GR to Newtonian Gravity
Benizri Liorphilippe.brax@ipht.frScalar-tensor, Chameleon theories, Cosmic expansion, Dark EnergyOn the expansion of the Universe in scalar-tensor theories
bernard maximilienmaneira@lip.ptExperimental particle physics ; SNO+ Experiment ; Boron-8 Solar neutrinos ; Background analysis ; Likelihood analysis ; Likelihood fitMeasurement of the Boron-8 Solar Neutrino flux with SNO+ scintillator data
Bertrand Théodoreantoine.brgt@gmail.comLie theory, quivers, QFT, string theory, Hilbert series,Higgs/Coulomb branches quivers in string theory
Biroli Marcosatya.majumdar@u-psud.frStochastically resetting random walker, Distinct Visited Sites,Random Walks, Resetting Study of the number of distinct visited sites by a d-dimensional stochastically resetting random walker.
Blavy Vincenteva.weig@tum.deNano-oscillator ; noise-induced motionSpectral characterization of noise-induced motion in a weakly damped driven nano-oscillator
Borella Audranolivier.boucher@ipsl.frModelisation, atmosphere, clouds, ice supersaturation, global climate modelModélisation des zones sur-saturées en glace en haute troposphère, dans le modèle atmosphérique global LMDZ
Bouchereau Yannfabien.bretenaker@universite-paris-saclay.frlaser dynamics, noise, nonlinear dynamics, phase transitionsDetection protocol for non-Gaussian quantum steering in continuous-variable systems
Brivady jean-claude.platel@inserm.frNeurosciences, Calcium Imaging, Barrel Cortex, DeepLearning, Numerical SimulationsApparition of touch sensation through development in the barrel contex of mice
Chen Zhongwucostas.bachas@phys.ens.frholography, interfaces, steady states, black holes.Steady States of Holographic Interfaces
Colin Tomstavros.katsanevas@ego-gw.itGravitational waves, BBH/BNS/NSBH mergersCalculate the GW discovery potential of a Lunar seismological and Gravitational antena
Cologni analysis, interstellar dust, class 0 protostars, spectral indexFrom interstellar dust to planetesimals : dust continuum emission spectral indices.
dangoisse NEGF, solid state, simulation, optimization,quantum transport evaporative electron cooling in nanostructures 
David Marcoflorian.mehats@univ-rennes1.frHamiltonian neural network, ordinary differential equation, Hamiltonian system, geometric numerical integration, symplectic numerical methodSymplectic Learning for Hamiltonian Neural Networks
Deloupy v.l.narayanan@uit.noPolar Mesospheric Summer Echoes. Noctilucent Clouds. EISCAT radar. Mesopause. Backscattering of radio-wave signal. Data treatment. Python.Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes - EISCAT Data Treatment
Descamps Computing, Standard stabilizer formalism Gottesman-Knill theoremStabilizer Formalism and Generalization
Dhote Basiletbohr@fysik.dtu.dkSugar transport, plants, osmosis, fluid dynamicsSugar translocation in pine needles
Dubois yaman.guclu@ipp.mpg.dePlasma physics, nuclear fusion, (Magneto-HydroDynamics,) numerical physics, Grad-Shafranov equation, tokamak, free-boundary differential equation and fixed-boundary differential equationA numerical study of the Grad-Shafranov equation : from the fixed-boundary to an introduction of the free-boundary problem.
Faur Mé kou@lal.in2p3.frHeavy meson decay, Data analysis of form factors, Lattice QCDStudy of B meson semileptonic decay for search for New Physics
Fevre Louispascale.hennequin@lpp.polytechnique.frFusion nucléaire, plasma, machine toriX.Turbulence- écoulements zonaux dans les plasmas de tokamak
Gay computing, chemical dynamic, computer analysesStudy of the Crossed inhibitor Predator-Prey system for DNA computing
George Abir Varkeymonasson@lpt.ens.frRNA, Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Secondary structure analysis, SAM riboswitchesSecondary structure and coevolutionary modeling of RNA families
Giavassis FrançoisT.Prokopec@uu.nlLoop Quantum Gravity, effective field theoryCold vector dark matter
Lamouret Quentiniacopo.carusotto@unitn.itAnalogue gravity, Hawking radiation, superradiant emission, quantum optics, BECsSimple model for Hawking and superradiant emissions Simple model for Hawking and superradiant emissions
Lopetegui González Carlos Ernestomattia.walschaers@lkb.upmc.frQuantum Optics, Continuous Variable, Non Gaussian States, EPR Steering,Fisher InformationDetection protocol for non-Gaussian quantum steering in continuous-variable systems
Mahdavi yves-marie.ducimetiere@epfl.chHolmboe instability, semilinear model, numerical simulations, stratified fluidsSaturation mechanisms in Holmboe waves in stratified medium
Malherbe Sé of the theory behind orbital-free density functional theory, integration of non-local pseudopotentials and study of the orbital-free kinetic energy functional propertiesIntegration of non-local pseudopotentials in orbital-free density functional theory and exact constraints followed by the functionals
Manset Paulcaglar.girit@college-de-france.frMesoscopic physics, Josephson Junctions and Shapiro Peaks“Study of a Non-Linear RF emission due to the locking of Josephson Junction on a Shapiro Peak”
Opler Alvinleonardo.mazza@universite-paris-saclay.frFractional quantum hall effect, Laughlin’s wavefunction, AnyonsNumerical study of Laughlin’s wavefunction
Ouazzani damien.simon@lpsm.parisStatistical Physics, Matrix Ansätze, Statistics, Simulations, C++Statistical estimation of elements of Matrix Ansätze or Matrix Product States from numerical simulation of stochastic processes
Pacco machine learning, statistical physics, replica method learning gaussian mixtures with generalised linear models : precise asymptotics in high-dimensions
Pasté de Rochefort GuillaumeSylvain.schwartz@onera.frCold atoms, MOT, Lasers sources,Rydberg states Toward a Rydberg based Microwave Quantum Sensor
Picard Améliexavier.boutillon@polytechnique.eduMechanics, Harpsichord, Haptic SensationsModelisation of haptic sensations while playing harpsichord
Piednoir Racheld.bonn@uva.nlSprays, fluid mechanics, complex fluids, coalescenceUnderstanding the mechanisms responsible for monodisperse sprays
Prieur Alexandregiulia.cusin@unige.chGravitational waves ; stochastic background ; gravitational wave detectorsDetection of gravitational wave stochastic background by future generations of detectors
Renaud Juliandoostmohammadi@nbi.ku.dk2D active nematics - topological defects - active turbulence (- epithelia - liquid crystals)Modeling topological features of cellular tissues
Richard Romei Valentinakotera@iap.frcosmic rays, radio detection, high energy astrophysics,analytical description Radio detection of ultra-high energy particles : study of the radio wavefront
Roux richard.brito@roma1.infn.itGravitation, Black Holes, SuperradianceEffects of self-interactions in gravitational superradiance
Sarfati Lilatamborra@nbi.ku.dkCore-collapse supernova, Supernova neutrinos, Neutrino detectors, Supernova distanceDetermination of the location of black hole forming collapses through neutrinos
Sternberg Jeantassis@physics.uoc.grISM, magnetic field, dust polarizationHigh-accuracy magnetic field strength estimation in the ISM
Stockinger Matteomshibata@aei.mpg.deNumerical Relativity,Scalar Tensor Theory Binary Neutron Stars in Massive Scalar Tensor Theory
Tartarin myriam.benisty@univ-grenoble-alpes.frAstrophysics, Protoplanetary disks, Interferometry/Visibility, Inner rim, Near infra-red (NIR)Study of protoplanetary disks’ inner rim properties throught interferometry data analysis
Teuscher valerie.domcke@epfl.chEarly Universe, primordial magnetic fields, Python simulations, chiral anomaly, left/right particle imbalance, magnetohydrodynamicsEvolution of cosmological magnetic fields and fermion asymetry in the early Universe
Usciati Romainiacopo.carusotto@unitn.itBose-Einstein condensation, Quantum optics, Quantum fluids of light, Polaritons, Input-output theory.Probing the collective excitations of a polariton fluid through a pump-probe scheme.
Viennet davide.faranda@lsce.ipsl.frWeather regimes, covariant Lyapunov vectors, finite-time dynamics, regime identification, early warningsDynamical analysis of reduced models for the climate
Vilucchio Matteojesper.jacobsen@lpt.ens.frSelfAvoidingWalks, AlgorithmCreation, SoftwareDevelopement, MonteCarloSimulationA fast implementation of a Monte Carlo Implementaiton for the fixed end Self Avoiding Walk
Vionnet Simonmichel.rausch@iphc.cnrs.frSupersymetrie / Wess Zumino / KählerSupersymetrie : modèle de Wess Zumino et potentiel de Kähler
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