Lab Works ESPCI
Gerbold Ménard, Arthur Marguerite
The purpose of this class is to bring the students to apply practically their knowledge of quantum mechanics through two different subjects. The two subjects that will be studied are the Zeeman effect and optical pumping. In this class the student will be able to witness and basic quantum mechanics effects directly. In particular, they will study the absorption and emission of light by an atom and study the properties of this light in order to understand the electronic structure of atoms in a magnetic field.
In the case of the Zeeman effect, students will focus on using an Fabry-Pérot interferometer in order to study the splitting of spectral lines of Cadmium atoms. By using an optical system comprising polarizers, filters and quarter-wave plates the students will be able to discriminate between the various types of light emitted by the relaxation of an electron and study the effect of the magnetic field. Using this experimental setup, the students will experimentally measure the value of the Bohr magneton.
In the case of the optical pumping experiment, students will focus on the dynamical filling and emptying of the electronic levels of Rubidium atoms in static and oscillating magnetic field. They will study the fine and hyper-fine structure of 2 isotopes of Rubidium and explore one and many- photon processes. At the end of the practical the students will observe Rabi oscillations. Experimentally, the students will learn how to use an oscilloscope and send different types of RF signal modulation.
The class will span 8 half-days (4 half-days per subject) and will conclude with the redaction of two experimental reports. The grade will be decided by looking at the level of engagement of the students during the class, the quality of the experimental work, the quality of the report and the scientific rigor applied to the analysis of the data.
Lab reports