Physique du solide

Spring semester
Level Bachelor 9 ECTS - French
Cours obligatoire pour le parcours de L3
Instructor(s) Jesper JACOBSEN ( ENS-PSL Sorbonne University )
Teaching Assistant Guilhem SEMERJIAN ( ENS-PSL ) Kris VAN HOUCKE ( ENS-PSL )
Contact - Secrétariat de l’enseignement

Tél : 01 44 32 35 60

This course is an introduction to solid state physics, ranging from electronic properties to the structure of crystalline materials and models of magnetism.

It presents both equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium aspects. The course presents examples of research on the subject in order to underline the rapid development of the area.

  • Models of free electrons
  • Crystalline structure and reciprocal lattice
  • Electronic structure: crystal potential, symmetries and Bloch theorem, Fermi level, energy bands
  • Transport in electronic gases
  • Semiconductors and metals : band structure and propreties
  • Models of magnetism : exact solutions and links to quantum field theories

Written exam