1- Introduction: a historical perspective
- Spectrum of atomic Hydrogen
- Bohr’s theory
- Relativistic effects
- Other observations
2- The Hydrogen atom
- Some useful concepts from Quantum Mechanics
- The Coulomb potential
- Transitions
- Fine structure
- Hyperfine structure
3 - Many-electron atoms and spectroscopy
- The shell model and the periodic table
- Alkali atoms
- The Helium atom
- Atoms with 2 valence electrons
- The Stark effect
- The Zeeman effect
4 Laser cooling and trapping
- Radiative forces
- Doppler cooling
- Magneto-optical trap
5 - Introduction to quantum sensors
- Noise and its characterization
- Atomic clocks and realization of time scale
- Cold-atom inertial sensors
- Other sensors
- Fundamental physics and applications